We will do all that we can to publicise the Mimetic festival as a whole, it is then the responsibility of the individual companies to promote your own show within the festival. We are planning to carry out the following press and marketing activity:
- Festival Brochure - print run of 8-10k
- Brochure distributed throughout London theatre and cultural Venues by London Calling
- Press and PR for the festival will be provided by Chloe Nelkin Consulting
- Event listings across London press
- Local poster and flyer campaign throughout Waterloo
- Festival Listings across www.MimeticFest.com and www.the-vaults.org
- Advertising over dedicated Mimetic social media channels - Facebook and Twitter
- Facebook Advertising Campaign with festival sponsored posts
- ‘PS’ spots in newsletters of London theatres
- High profile press launch event on the first Monday of the festival
We then expect companies to provide:
- Provide show blurb and publicity image (for which all relevant licenses are obtained)
- Send across previous show publicity quotes and stars
- Deliver 30-40 A3 or A2 show posters by 15 November
- Invite friends and contacts to Facebook event
- Undertake local flyering and postering for your show
- Keep us updated with set/costume designs, production shots, casting developments and anything else that might be newsworthy.
Please note print specifications are for full week runs - these will differer for works in progress and single performances. Please contact press@mimeticfest.com for further details.